Hello, My name is

Luz Enith Martinez

And I can help you with:

A multidisciplinary generalist with a strong passion for technical solutions, originally from Colombia and currently based in Sweden..

Get in touch

About Me

UX/UI Designer

As a designer and 3D artist, I offer a wide range of creative services to bring your ideas to life. Whether it's designing logos and websites or crafting stunning 3D animations and models, I have a wealth of experience.

With a background in manufacturing spanning many years, I consistently identify opportunities to apply the valuable lessons I've learned from that experience to new challenges. The specific tools I employ in your unique case depend entirely on your needs. Let's have a discussion to explore the possibilities

Get in touch

Latest Projects

Job Tech

How to help adults in the middle of their working life, to find alternative paths when unpredictable things happens?


How to help adults in the middle of their working life, to find alternative paths when unpredictable things happens?


Comunity based website.

Diri (CMS)

Safety solutions for riskanalysis on site

What I Do


3D-modelling, renderings and animations aimed to help your customers to understand your vision and how your company is the perfect fit for them.

User Experience

From business development to finished prototopy I can help you through the whole process. Regardless the stage of your journey. I can help you to bring them to life.


Every decision that is taken within your company should be data driven. Find out whta strategies are leading you to achieve your expected outcome.

Contact Me!

email: luz@luzenithmartinez.com